Top 5 Reasons to Choose Dayton


Employee Community

As a hub of innovation, the Dayton region boasts a skilled workforce ready for employment in a vast array of sectors – assembly, technology, finance, medicine and more.


The Dayton area is home to nationally recognized school systems, two-year colleges, four-year universities, as well as specialized institutions and research facilities.


Reaching more than 60% of all U.S. households within a 600-mile radius, Dayton is PRIME for logistics and business.

health and wellness

Health & Wellness

Businesses thrive with quality of life benefits such as our top-rated healthcare systems, metro and community parks, bicycle paths, our strong performing arts programs and more.

Defense Industry

Military and civilian industries invest billions of dollars into the Dayton region with the presence of Wright Patterson Air Force Base, the National Guard, and Veterans Affairs services.

Building Regional Economies

Number of International Companies:


Number of Jobs Created:


Countries Invested in the Miami Valley:


Air Force Museum